Urantia Life Lessons
for all ages
There's something for everyone who wants to grow with Urantia teachings.
Stream these lessons into your living room or get them dropped in your mailbox.
The original Urantia Life Lessons videos provide an introduction to The Urantia Book that emphasizes the values found within the book. With a balance of thoughfulness and worship, become inspired to live a meaningful life.
CherubiMail - Kids love to receive mail, so bring the stories of Jesus into your home with a free subscription to CherubiMail. Use the pages to start talking about Jesus, his family, Ganid, the gang of twelve and more.
SeraphiMail - Introduce your teens to The Urantia Book in a way that makes it relevant to their lives. These free pages help start conversations about God, angels, science, and the meaning of life. Bring these pages into your home.

Go on vacation with other Urantia families. If you have kids or grandkids, then you are welcome to join us for a few days of fun during Family Week. Your kids will enjoy the morning children's program, the whole family will enjoy the outdoors, and we'll mix in some Urantia, too.
This program is in development, but you can learn more about it today.
Urantia Teachings...simplified
Urantia teachings are for everyone.
But sometimes we want bitesize pieces.
Sometimes we want help connecting the stories in the book to our everyday lives.
And sometimes, we just want a little inspiration.
Urantia Life Lessons brings forth the core values of The Urantia Book
so that you can grow in your understanding of the teachings
while living your life with God and in service to your community.